Stephen Blickenstaff Art Show - 13th Oddball Holiday Extravaganza: The show features many unusual and peculiar pieces of monsters, pin-up girls and other freakish displays. Blickenstaff’s annual set-up at 8829 Yellow Springs Road, Frederick, MD (Frederick County Professional Firefighters Local 3666) has reached the thirteen year mark. When asked how it felt to still be doing art shows (this one in particular) after so many years he said, “I do them for myself as much as anything else. It’s fun to get out my art and be around friends; It’s normally all put away around the house and I only get to see digital versions of it.” His art is truly striking in any format but seeing the originals, especially his detailed paintings and drawings, is astonishing. When asked what keeps him going, Blickenstaff replied, “It’s what you live to do (as an artist). I can’t not do it. If there’s a napkin at a restaurant, I’m drawing on it. I’m not worried about money or if people are going to buy it, that’s all secondary.” (Video walk through below and pics at end of article)
Black Butterfly Art Exhibition @ Delaplaine Arts Center - This is simply the kind of event I am thrilled about having in Frederick; A regional artist doing a pop-up art show based on Kendrick Lamar’s “To Pimp a Butterfly”? How freaking cool! The album was playing as you walked through the show and in the two times I visited throughout the day there were a diverse and sizable crowd in attendance. Taurean Washington is the artist responsible, a Frederick native who graduated from TJ High School, Frederick Community College, and Hood College. When asked what inspired him to do the project he said, "I have always been inspired by hip hop. Over time, my practice evolved to where I could create a series based on a whole album from a particular artist. Kendrick Lamar's "To Pimp A Butterfly" was the perfect album to start. This album had so many things that I could identify with. It took me about 4-5 months total to put together 16 paintings." As far as where you can find his art and his future projects, he stated, "You can find my work at and my Instagram @artybtaurean. Also, my next event will be on February 2nd at Slayton House Gallery in Columbia MD from 1-3:30pm. The next project in February will be based on the album Yeezus by Kanye West." (Video walk through below and pics at end of article)
JB Dunn @ New Market Plains Vineyard - First off, it’s amazing how many options there are in the area as far as wineries/craft breweries, and most feature live music. This one provides a great scenic hangout (as many others do). It’s down a long rocky road by adventure park and is quite serene. The music space/wine tasting room is in an outdoor pavilion covered by strong see through plastic with heaters that make winter weather tolerable. The only downside was the crazy wind yesterday which often shook the outside. JB Dunn played with the utmost passion to the three people who were there at the time. He played a wide range of covers as well as a handful of original tunes. His raspy vocals and precise guitar playing make for a perfect blend of folk and indie music. Luckily more patrons showed up before I left. (Video below and pics at end of article)
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